The Nits Omsk


Catalog: MOCCD 13113
Format: 1 CD
Original release: 1983
Genre: Pop
Barcode: 8718627221129

SKU: 54a17a079ccc Category:


The parallels between the careers of XTC and the Nits are remarkable and too numerous to ignore. Both began their recording careers in the late ’70s as part of the arty post-punk new wave movement. And both evolved into something infinitely more complex and enduring, despite being gradually whittled down to a core of just two members. That said, whereas XTC underwent a gradual transition from the fractious pop of 1977’s White Music to the pastoral psychedelia of 1986’s Skylarking, the Nits shed their new wave skin in a relative trice with the 1983 album Omsk. But the Nits were already essentially Hofstede’s band, and Omsk contains one of his most enduring songs in the form of “Nescio”, which became one of their biggest hits.

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1 A Touch Of Henry Moore2 Unpleasant Surprise3 Vermillion Pencil4 Sprintime Coming Soon5 Tons Of Ink6 Jardon D’hiver7 Nescio8 Walls Have Ears9 Spirits Awake10 Walter And Conny11 The Cold Eye12 Shadow Of A Doubt13 Indoor Painting (Outdoor Sketching)14 Clean Shirt In Paris15 Man Of Straw

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